
WordPress: Display Blogroll without default heading

Did you ever want to make WordPress display Blogroll without default heading but could not find a way to do this? Here’s a little snippet that you can copy and paste in your theme to instantly generate a Blogroll without the default heading.

How to Display Blogroll without default heading using WordPress

You can actually display the default Blogroll without it’s default heading in WordPress. Simply copy the code below and paste it in sidebar.php file of your theme or where you want the Blogroll to appear without the default heading.

<?php wp_list_bookmarks('title_li=&categorize=0'); ?>
Your Turn!

Do you know of any different or more simple way to display Blogroll without default heading in WordPress? If yes, please share it with us by commenting below.
*Make sure that you wrap your code in <code></code> tags.

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